noun an instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption. Renewal happens yearly with a rebirth each Spring. It's pretty amazing! Nature takes a look at the blank canvas and begins again with big brush strokes, making its mark on the world. In some ways, it is very similar to all of us coming out of the global pandemic, getting a chance to re-engage, make our mark and begin Read More
Still life photography projects
Cheers to photography, clients, crew and creativity!
I am looking quite happy in this image that my amazing assistant Kyle snapped after a recent multi-day studio shoot. Thank you Kyle! It has put me in a mood to reflect on the day it was made and the many experiences I have had over the years, as a photographer. First about the day; there was a special feeling at the end of the photography project. A job well done, surrounded by crew and clients that have Read More
Wishing you Health and Happiness all year long
Can you see the light?
My mentor, Bill Buckley used to say he lit products “to illuminate their interior qualities”. Great lighting makes you feel something of the essence, the inner quality and voice of the subject. There is a rising tide of discerning consumers who are looking deeper at the quality and soul of what they are buying. They are looking carefully at what they eat. Is it non-GMO? Does it contain Gluten? Added sugars? Is it a Read More
Drama Queen
Creating drama is all about using lighting to strike a chord. It's all about the mood you want and how to get there. That drama that you create is how you catch someone's eye and potentially help to sell a product. Some of the best shoots are when you have time to play around with the light and work with the client to collaborate on variations, backgrounds, surfaces and multiple light sources to get the "just right" Read More
Healthy Option?
Planning for dinner always seems to pose a bit of a challenge. A bit like planning for a shoot. Lots of little bits and pieces that you need to consider. You normally need to take into consideration a lot of perspectives from your family or clients. It's all about gathering the right information up front, making sure that you listen closely - thinking about all of the details and having all of the right things Read More
A win, win.
Each shoot day, I'm presented with a new challenge - no matter what I need to shoot. Products, Food, Jewelry, Shoes, throw it at me and I figure it out. Problem solver is my daily "who I am." Creative guy is what I'd prefer as first on my list, but isn't always top due to the over-arching need of "what does the client want?" With this challenge above, it was a little bit of both and that challenge Read More
The Inner Eye
I get a call and am asked by the client, "I have a product, what can you do for me"? Say that you have a bottle that needs to be photographed. It needs to be shot mostly for use on a website - to help "sell" the product. I’d like to keep the background clean so that the customers stay focused on your product, its a really beautiful product after all! So many things coursing through my mind; perspective, lighting, Read More
Color can have SUCH an impact!
Who knew how important color choice can be to the impact of a job? Well, of course Nick knew! That's what he does and does best. High impact. Take a basic product and will it grab people automatically? Probably not. Yet, if you study it long enough, find a complimentary angle, think about some pretty incredible high contrast lighting and pop some major color in ............... BAM! You've got a shot! Got your Read More
Dreaming in color
Dreaming in color… Thinking warm thoughts & spring colors. Shape, texture, light and contrast. Read More