Many of you may know that I am a jazz guitarist. It is a creative outlet that I am passionate about, like photography. I have been playing guitar since I was a teenager. I now play in a jazz ensemble and we had a fun gig this past weekend, a house party at the home of our piano player. The crowd was very friendly and enthusiastic, that is always a plus when you are gigging out! Read More
Nick's Music Musings
Art informs Art
I believe that art informs art. As a person who makes his living creating visual art, I believe spending some time every day practicing a different form of art is very helpful to my outlook and creativity. One feeds the other in many ways. I usually start my day playing and studying music. I have been since I was 12 years old. I study one-on-one with a jazz guitarist in Portsmouth by the improbable name of Woody Allen. Read More
“Life” by Keith Richards
I just finished reading Keith Richards book “Life”. Everyone who works with me knows I am a musician, guitar player, jazz-head, blues aficionado. I’ve played guitar almost as long as I have been making photographs. The two go together. The creative process fascinates me. Where do the ideas for original works come from? Keith Richards speaks to this in a wonderful way throughout his book. He just says, “I don’t know! I Read More